Hello, as the servers are running now for a while we can get an idea what really fast laps will be about.
On trail easy 270 laps were finished so far.
On trail medium 104 laps were finished so far.
On the rollercoaster 100 laps were done so far.
On trail hard 77 laps were done so far.
On trail x-dream 44 laps were done so far.
This adds up to 595 laps being finished on the 5 tracks.
The fastest lap on trail easy did Fox 2 in a BF1 with a time of 20:05,57 minutes.
The fastest lap on trail medium did Marcel . in an FXR with a time of 35:08,27 minutes.
The fastest lap on the rollercoaster did Eastslider in an MRT with a time of 20:37,65 minutes.
The fastest lap on trail hard did Marcel . in an FZR with a time of 47:03,17 minutes.
The fastest lap on trail x-dream did Shvaya in an LX6 with a time of 59:08,07 minutes.
For the fast guys out there this could be a nice challenge and different to what they usually are driving.
So, lets see how fast YOU can be on Driver Seat.